
Jaynes 8 Steps To Refine Your Personal Style

by Jayne Blight on Aug 10, 2023

Jaynes 8 Steps To Refine Your Personal Style

1) Personal Image

How would you like to be perceived by the people you are around? What words would you like to hear when people describe you? What type of style would you like them to use about you ? Classic? Chic? Elegant? Unique? 


2) Vision Board

Collect style images and photos of people whose style you admire or are drawn to. This will help define the looks your stylist can help you achieve on your next shopping trip. 


3) Colour

Discover the colours that suit you and your skin type. Create a palette of clothes in the right colours for you in your wardrobe.  Book a consultation to find the perfect colours for your wardrobe.  


4) Body Type 

Get clarity on the best shape is to wear for your body shape. Your stylist will be able to help you with this.


5) Wardrobe Edit

Look through your wardrobe carefully, you may need a detox. Let your stylist help you edit it.


6) Capsule Wardrobe

Taking into consideration, your vision board, and the image you’d like to portray to your public, what items of clothing do you need to invest in to achieve these looks? Your stylist will help you choose and organise your shopping in store or online.


7) Refresh

List the items you need in your wardrobe in order of priority . Tackle a couple of items at a time. It will take time to build your capsule wardrobe. Plan this with your stylist season by season.


8) Organise your Outfits

When you buy a new item, create an outfit and photograph it. Keep these outfits in a photo album on your phone. Getting dressed will be so much easier in the long run. Your stylist can also create more outfits for you.

For any of the steps above please feel free to message or book a a free 15 mins consultation to get the ball rolling.

Let’s start today!

X Jayne


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